
About Me

My Name is Erik O. Cruz and I have been an Insurance Agent/ Broker for couple of years. I am a retired US. Marine with 22 years of service.
While in the military, I enjoyed serving and protecting our country. After numerous deployments around the world, including 2 tours in Iraq, I decided to retire and pursue my educational goals.

After many years of an attaining an education, through the 9/11 GI Bill, I was able to receive an Associate Degree in General Studies, a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management, and a Master Business Administration (MBA) in Finance.

After completing my education, I knew that I wanted to use my expertise and knowledge in helping others with guidance within the Financial Services environment. Therefore, I knew that I would better serve others as an Insurance Agent.

I enjoy assisting those in need with the various options in acquiring Protection for themselves and Family.

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