
How Much Insurance Protection do I need?

When it comes to Life Insurance the question that normally is thought of is, How much coverage is enough?

This is where the D.I.M.E. Method comes into consideration as a useful tool.

It is very simple to understand and implement.

Here are the 4 steps:

D: Debt / Death

Do you want all of your debts paid off? What kind of Funeral Services do you want?

I: Income Replacement

How much income is needed to maintain your lifestyle and for how long & how many years?

M: Mortgage

Do you want part or all of your mortgage paid off?

E: Education

Would you like to plan for your child’s College education?

If you are in need of coverage for you and your family, we would love to be a resource for you.  

We can provide some education and guidance while navigating you towards your options. You would feel great knowing you have taken the steps in attaining "Peace of Mind" for your family. Now that they are secure and your legacy will continue even after death.

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